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Cats lick themselves. Yuck!! That's gross! When cats lick themselves they are just spreading their saliva and the secretoglobin protein which is called Fel d 1. This is what most people are allergic to. When licking they also are spreading the oils that are secreted through their skin, dirt, litter and dandruff as well.
Yes, I groom cats with soap (proper cat de-greasing shampoo) and water! Properly grooming your cat will decrease hairballs, mats, dreadlocks, dandruff, fleas, litter stuck in the paws, long sharp claws, dirty coat, waxy ears and icky stuff stuck on their rear end and shedding!
Cats need to be on a regular schedule of at least every eight weeks or less to remain on our schedule. We are not accepting clients who are not planning on being on a schedule. We also do not do once or twice a year shave downs. This is to help ensure the safety of everyone. Cats when stressed or scared will be quick to scratch or bite. Cat scratch fever is real and a really bad bite can put a groomer out of work. Not to mention, we do not want to injure a cat either. When cats go months in-between grooming and get matted, they are more likely to be nicked from trying to get underneath the mats. This isn't fair to the cat, mats can be painful when they pull on the skin, which makes it harder at times to get the matting. We do not express cat's anal glands, that would require a vet appointment.
Dogs nails grow at a fast pace for the most part, they should be trimmed about every 4 weeks, unless you have a dog that pulls during walks which may file them down on concrete. The quick will continue to keep growing and as it isn't too much of a problem when a dog is young but as they age and you can't cut the nail back further, dogs typically end up walking on their nails and it can deform their feet, as well as being painful. Dogs also need regular ear cleaning and if they have ear hair then it needs to be taken care of as well. This helps keep infections in the ears to a minimum.
Some dogs also have issues with their anal glands. We can help with that too! Some dogs will express them on their own and if they do, then we do not need to do anything to help them. Some dogs will express some on their own but not all of it, those we can help expressing the rest of the way. Some dogs do not express at all, and those are the ones that need to be expressed on a regular basis to keep up with them so that they don't require a Vet visit. The anal glands are quite smelly and can be painful if they get impacted on your pet. We as groomers will express the anal glands external but some may need it to be done internally and we would have to refer you to your Vet if that is the case.
Getting your dog groomed is not about making them look good, yes its a plus but they actually need it more for their overall health. Many dogs have been saved by a groomer or bather finding lumps or bumps and other things on their pet that a normal pet owner may not find for a long time. We have our hands all over your pet, especially with them wet and then while drying. Finding things have lead to a pet being able to be treated with success where as if it wasn't treated would of had a shorter life span for a pet.
Angela is also a dog trainer and was before going to school for pet grooming. She specialized in hard to groom pets, whether it is nervous from not being socialized earlier enough or had a bad experience some where else. But since these dogs tend to be fear biters they are going to need to maintain a schedule per Angela recommendations, so that she can build trust with your dog. Dogs need stability of knowing who their groomer is and being comfortable during the process.
A Clean, fluffy kitty that feels good
Less shedding (or none at all)
Fewer hairballs (or none at all)
Closely trimmed nails that are less likely to damage furniture or skin and will not grow into the cat's paw pads
A Clean and tidy behind that doesn't have leftover litter box "surprises" attached to it
No more mats ever!
No more at-home grooming requirements
Less tear staining (or none at all)
No flea or tick problems (with your help at home)
No more unsightly dandruff
Fewer allergy problems (for cat and/or people living with the cat
A beautiful kitty that others will admire
Bathing is minimal for short hair. We recommend at least every 12 weeks for a bath and de-shed. But their nails and ears should be done about every 4 weeks.
Double coated dogs are dogs with the thick undercoat. The double coated dogs should be groomed every 12 weeks. These coats need to be conditioned as well as shampooed to blow out their undercoat. This helps to blow out any undercoat that is shedding.
Dogs that have curly coats should be groomed at least every 4 to 6 weeks. If kept in a very short coat, they can go up to 8 weeks. They do not have undercoat as other dogs. They have hair just like humans. They are high maintenance. Their hair will continual to grow until it is cut or it breaks. When their hair starts to tangle, the mats will get out of control fast and their coat doesn't blow out like the double-coated breeds. Also when the hair mats up it can be very painful.
Dogs that have wire coats should be groomed at least every 6-8 weeks. They need regular grooming to remove all the loose hairs and to prevent matting. These dogs can be hand stripped which takes more time or can use clippers.
Dogs that have silky coats should be groomed at least every 4-6 weeks. If kept in a short trim, they can go up to 8 weeks. They do not have undercoat as other dogs. They have hair just like humans. They are high maintenance. Their hair will continual to grow until it is cut or it breaks. When their hair starts to tangle, the mats will get out of control fast.
Dogs with a combination coat has short fur and longer hair. They need to have regular grooming of about every 8-12 weeks. When you do more brushing and combing at home that can help you maintain the coat, if not then I would do closer to an 8 week schedule to keep the matting down.
Cat naturally short hair, includes a nail trim, ears cleaned, bath, blow dry and comb out (please see add ons that could make the price higher)
includes bath, blow dry, nails trimmed, ears & eyes cleaned, sanitary clipped and comb out (please see add ons that could make the price higher)
These are base prices, pricing can include difficult fee, matting or pelting fee as well as needing de-greasing fee
Can be an appointment by itself
Front feet only with nails trimmed
All four feet with nails trimmed
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Prices added onto the price of a full groom
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Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
Add on to groom price
A naturally short hair dog
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry and de-shed
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry and de-shed
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry and de-shed
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry and de-shed
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry and de-shed
a naturally long hair breed the usually needs a haircut
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also haircut if desired
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also haircut if desired
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also haircut if desired
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also haircut if desired
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also haircut if desired
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also hand stripping the coat
price includes bath, nails, ears, blow dry, and also hand scissoring the coat
We do have add on fees, see below. These are base prices above.
A La Carte
A La Carte
A La Carte
A La Carte
A La Carte
A La Carte
Add on to the price of the groom
Add or or A La Carte
Per every 15 minutes
Add on to the price of the groom
Add on to the price of the groom
Add on to the price of the groom
Add on to the price of the groom
Add on or A La Carte
Add on to the price of groom
Add on to the price of groom
Add on to the price of groom
Add on to the price of the groom
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
No, we are too busy with all of our appointments to be able to accommodate walk in appointments.
Yes, we do, but to offer one-on-one services the prices are not what is listed on the site. To have one-on-one the prices are $87.55/hour.
Cats and small dogs usually take roughly 2.5 to 3 hours, medium dogs take roughly 3-4 hours, large dogs usually take 4-5 hours and extra large can take up to 6 hours.
Cats and dogs are done on separate days and separate times.
No, unfortunately, it is hard for a pet to sit still and calm when they know their owner is in the building or right next to them. Since we are not strictly one on one, it isn't fair for an owner to sit there while we are grooming on one pet. We also get paid to teach how to groom.
Yes, we do for short intervals and if we have to walk away from a pet, they are placed in a kennel to wait on staff to work on them. Also, once ready they will wait for their owners in a kennel to keep them safe.
Yes, one of the most important parts of any groom is to get a bath, to make sure the skin and coat is properly clean.
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